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How to make a complaint at national level

Taking up a breach of union law with national bodies or authorities is often the quickest and most effective way to resolve an issue.

Redress at national level

If you feel that your rights under European Union law have not been respected by the national authorities of an EU country, various methods of redress are available to resolve an issue.

As stated in Treaties, public authorities and national courts have the main responsibility for the application of Union law.

Therefore, it is in your interest to make use of all possible means of redress at national level (administrative and/or out-of-court mediation mechanisms).

National ombudsmen

Depending on the system in each country, you may also submit your file to the national ombudsmen or regional ombudsmen.

National courts

Or you can bring your matter to the court of the country where the problem occurred. Find out more about national judicial systems or going to court.

If solving your problem requires the annulment of a national decision, be aware that only national courts can annul it. If you are seeking compensation for damage, only national courts have the power, where appropriate, to order national authorities to compensate individuals for losses they have suffered due to a breach of Union law.

National equality bodies

If you are a victim of discrimination and are looking for help, you can contact the national equality organisation in your country.

Problem solving services

Alternatively, other problem solving instruments are available to help you in your EU member country:


SOLVIT is a service provided by the national administration, which deals with cross-border problems related to the misapplication of Union law by national public administrations in the Internal Market. There is a SOLVIT centre in every EU country, as well as in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Your EU country will try to solve the problem with the other EU country concerned. Going through SOLVIT might take less time than making a formal complaint to the European Commission and can solve your individual problem. If a problem goes unresolved, or you consider that the proposed solution is unacceptable, you can still pursue legal action through a national court or lodge a formal complaint with the European Commission. Please be aware that addressing the issue to SOLVIT does not suspend time limits before national courts.

Submit your problem to SOLVIT

European Consumer Centres

European Consumer Centres is a Europe-wide network of consumer centres, which cooperate to help settle disputes between consumers and traders based in different EU countries, as well as in Norway and Iceland.

Submit your problem to European Consumer Centres

Your Europe Advice

Your Europe Advice can offer legal advice on your EU rights in matters related to EU law. It can clarify how the law applies in your particular case, as well as explain how you can exercise your EU rights.

Read more on Your Europe Advice services


FIN-Net is a network for resolving financial disputes out of court in EU countries, as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. They are responsible for handling disputes between consumers and financial services providers.

Submit your problem to FIN-Net