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Acting together to deepen international partnerships

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Acting together to deepen international partnerships

Deepening cooperation on migration through comprehensive, balanced and tailor-made partnerships with key countries of origin and transit.

Stepping up cooperation in 5 key areas:

  • Handshake icon

    Supporting countries which host refugees and host communities

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    Creating economic opportunities close to home, especially for youth

  • icon of a border security officer

    Fighting migrant smuggling

  • icon of two arrows pointing left and right

    Improving return and readmission, stepping up voluntary returns and helping reintegration

  • Icon of an arrow post

    Developing orderly channels for legal migration

Achieving common aims by acting together

  • Partnerships bringing together a wide range of policies education, development, visas, trade, agriculture, job creation, research, energy, environment or climate change
  • Strategic, coordinated, flexible use of EU financing tools
  • The EU and Member States working hand in hand
  • A coherent migration approach on all levels: bilateral, regional and global

Three examples of the partnerships in practice

1) Working with partners to fight migrant smuggling

  • profitable business for criminals icon

    Profitable business for criminal networks:

    €330 million in profits on Western and Central Mediterranean routes during 2017-2019.

  • icon of a border security officer

    New 2021-2025 EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling

    Anti-Smuggling Operational Partnerships have been launched to strengthen the cooperation with key partner countries to counter migrant smuggling both in terms of political commitments and operational cooperation:

    • Morocco (8 July 2022)
    • Niger (15 July 2022)
    • Western Balkans region (4 November 2022)
    • Tunisia (27 April 2023)


Support for law enforcement, operational capacity and information exchange

  • information campaign icon

    Information and awareness raising campaigns on the risks of irregular migration and on legal alternatives

  • border management icon

    Support for border management

  • step up work icon

    Step up work of EU agencies (in particular Europol, Eurojust, Frontex and CEPOL)

2) Stepping up cooperation on return, readmission and reintegration

  • Effective implementation icon

    Effective implementation of existing readmission agreements and exploring options including through factual assessments on cooperation with partner countries

  • enhanced possibilities icon

    Mobilise different policies to incentivise and improve cooperation on return and readmission

  • voluntary returns icon

    Promote voluntary return and reintegration including through dedicated Strategy

3) Talent Partnerships for better job opportunities at home and legal routes to the EU

  • legal migration icon

    Supporting legal migration with key partners, scaling up existing cooperation

  • training icon

    Work / training mobility schemes with EU funding and matching EU vacancies and skills needs 

  • vocational training icon

    Capacity building for vocational training and re-integration of returning migrants

  • working together icon

    Working together with ministries, employers and social partners,  training institutions, diaspora


16 MARCH 2023
Recommendation for mutual recognition of return decisions
24 JANUARY 2023
Operational Strategy for more effective returns
A renewed EU action plan against migrant smuggling (2021-2025).
Factsheet: New Pact on Migration and Asylum